Why Creative Education Trust?
Creative Education Trust inspires and enables young people to build successful lives on foundations of learning, resilience, and employability. We believe that a rewarding educational experience and the highest possible qualifications are the best way to ensure social mobility for young people.
Creative Education Trust is a successful multi-academy trust educating over 14,500 children in England. It was established in 2010 to work in England’s post-industrial cities and coastal towns: areas of economic disadvantage and with a history of academic underachievement. We transform these schools by integrating a knowledge-rich curriculum with skills and creativity.
Creative Education Trust defines creativity as the ability to find connections between the things we know and turn these connections into new ideas and action. The academic arts and the sciences, practical subjects and life skills all need this creativity, and creativity is valued highly by employers. Our staff and expert advisers use imaginative methods for linking knowledge across subject boundaries, fostering personal development and resilience and developing practical skills that prepare students for their transition to adult life and employment.
teacher training
Creative Education Trust is committed to offering trainee teachers the best opportunities to grow and learn surrounded by supportive and experienced colleagues.
Creative Education Trust school-led programmes allow trainee teachers the opportunity to choose the school in which they would like to complete their training. Our courses are offered in partnership with prestigious university partners.
Download our brochure to learn more about our programmes and to read what our trainees say about us.
If you are looking to start your teaching career then please get in touch to discuss what is the best option for you: teachertraining@creativeeducationtrust.org.uk
Creative Education Trust run an annual three-week Paid Teaching Internship Programme, with placements offered at our schools across the country. This academic year's dates are: Monday 23 June – Friday 11 July 2025.
Through our internships you will:
- Discover the power of teaching to improve the life chances of students
- Develop skills for your CV
- Get practical experience in the classroom
- Be involved in the whole school experience, learning about school life beyond the classroom
- Earn as you learn with £425 per week, a total of £1275
Support and advice will continue into the following year to guide interns through the process of applying to train as a teacher. You can be in any year of an undergraduate degree course to apply for our internship programme.
An interview will be guaranteed in the future if an intern applies to our own Trainee Teacher Programme on the School Direct / PGCE route with Creative Education Trust.
Watch the video below to hear our teachers tell you what it's like to teach at Creative Education Trust schools and why you should consider an internship with us.
Continuing professional development
Being a learning organisation, professional development is at the heart of Creative Education Trust. We offer extensive training and development for both teaching and support staff.
The central Learning and Development programme is calibrated to the Trust’s strategic priorities, and largely informed by the schools’ own requirements. Many of the central sessions are led by, or involve, expert input from staff across our network. Regular sessions bring together professionals in areas such as middle and senior leadership, colleagues new to the teaching profession, subject and pastoral specialist areas, and finance. Our packages also include practical training for managers in areas such as leadership and people management and we are always expanding our offer to encourage professional development at all levels.
In addition to formal training, there are many opportunities to connect with fellow professionals across our network. These opportunities include: primary and secondary cross-Trust events and competitions; learning opportunities within other schools; and subject, specialism and project- specific meetings across the different Trust schools.
We have a centre for Professional Development and Learning, ElevatEd, a simple-structured portal accessible to all our colleagues across the trust. We are proud to have developed a space where you can support your own professional development and learning in order to enhance practice.
At Creative Education Trust, we believe that a rewarding educational experience and the highest possible qualifications are the best way to ensure social mobility for young people. This is mirrored by our drive to ensure that all staff, wherever possible, are supported in their development too. Apprenticeships are an excellent way for us to further the skill set on offer at our schools and improve the level of support that we can provide to our students.
Apprenticeships are not just for school leavers, nor are they solely for ‘new’ employees. Apprenticeship standards and frameworks range from Level 2 to Masters and PGCEs, so there are a wide range of opportunities for our staff to continue their learning and professional development. With links to colleges, universities and training providers nationwide, we encourage and support interested staff to seek out these opportunities.
There is also a pilot Teaching Degree Apprenticeship in Maths being launched in the summer of 2025.
Supporting you
Health and Wellbeing
We recognise that we have a duty of care to look after the mental and physical health and wellbeing of our staff whilst they are at work and to ensure, as far as possible, that workplaces and working environments are safe and do not pose a risk to health.
We acknowledge the importance of identifying, reducing and monitoring workplace stressors.
The Trust provides access to a confidential Employee Assistance Scheme through Health Assured. The service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Employees are encouraged to use this free confidential service which provides you with unlimited access to advice, information and face to face counselling support on a range of issues including emotional, personal, legal and financial, work or relationship issues for yourself and those living within your household. There is also an online portal which provides a range of tools on wellbeing.
Microsoft Office offer
As an employee of Creative Education Trust, you are eligible to participate in Microsoft’s Home Use Programme. This enables you to get a licensed copy of Microsoft Office 360 to install and use on your home computer and up to six devices for free.
Professional Fees
If you are required to be professionally qualified as part of your job role, you will be reimbursed for one professional fee per year.